Current Weather at Strickley

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

As if we didn't have enough to do . . .

With James away at the Dairy Event, everything takes just that little bit longer, but by getting up earlier (and finishing later) Henry is on top of things. But just when you think everything is going well - fate intervenes.

The cows are grazing a long way down the fields this week and yesterday Henry set off in good time to fetch them in for milking. The most direct route is down the "Old Lane", behind James' house and onwards to Plucker. All was well when he set off, but by the time the cows had ambled back up the lane was blocked.

The strong gusts of wind that had been blowing all day struck down a tree and blocked the lane. A couple of cows managed to limbo underneath, but the rest had to be directed via the scenic route through the Teapot Field.

The lane's clear now and the good thing is we've got a bit of firewood for winter.

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