Current Weather at Strickley

Monday, 22 September 2008

Comings and Goings. . .

. . well, mainly goings.

Lately Strickley stock has been moving away, some just up the road and some to the far South West.
We've sold heifer calves to Somerset and Bishop Aukland, bull calves to Ambleside and cows in milk to Whinfell.

But if you're after a bull, then get in touch with us - see our advert on the Shorthorn Society's website. As it says there -

"Young pedigree Dairy Shorthorn bulls for sale. Out of EX/VG high index dams. Ready for work, some with calves already on the ground. From Bluetongue clean area and 4yr TB testing area. Photos of bulls and dams available on request."

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