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Thursday, 5 April 2007

Drink Pinta Milk a Day

Did you see the BBC programme on Monday night - Shopping the Supermarkets? This week it was "Milking the Suppliers" and for once came down quite heavily on the side of the producers. In the confines of a half hour programme it managed to convey the hold that the big Supermarkets have over suppliers. If you saw it, I bet you never buy a cheap lettuce again without thinking of the farmer selling to Somerfield for 1p each.

And saddest of all - the continual demise of dairy herds in this country, illustrated in the programme by the dispersal sale of a whole herd.

This is a light hearted Blog, so I won't get on my soapbox, but in a selfish way try to spread the word that


As with most things in life, adverts are not what they used to be - click on the links below to see how we used to advertise milk.

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