Current Weather at Strickley

Friday, 18 May 2012

All go, but we're still waitng. . .

. . . still waiting for the temperature to rise and raise the sugars in the grass. It's growing, but it's not quite ready for silaging. We took a grass sample yesterday to confirm our thoughts. * Warmer weather is forecast next week (with rain!), so that should help, and then we'll be ready to go!

* edit - this was, I've been told, from the pastures not meadows - i.e. re cows' diet

The new Toilet Block has been open for "business" this week, as we've had two school visits. The only problem is with some little boys, that have very poor aim! Michelle has invested in some stickers to aim at. Our other visitors were much more grown up. The Soil Association Farmer & Grower Board (I think that's the correct name), were having some meetings in Cumbria and asked if they could visit Strickley. They had a tight schedule so it was a short visit, but it was a fine sunny day and the fields and stock looked their best.

And on Sunday we're hosting Old Hutton School HSA's (what used to be called the PTA in the olden days) "Family Spring Activity Walk". A gentle walk with pond dipping, activity sheets and treasure hunt, followed by lunch in Wellbank garden. Hopefully the weather will oblige again. If you're interested get in touch!


derekt said...

Interesting about the silage.Here (Charente-Maritime) they started silaging about two weeks ago. But one farmer intrigues me.He cut the grass then left it to dry (as if for hay) and then bagged it, just about dry. What was he doing?

As for the kids, they probably wouldn't understand the old sign in some Gents loos: "We aim to please, you aim, too, please".

Happy memories.

Strickley said...

Haylage (High dry matter silage)!