Current Weather at Strickley

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Making the most of the weather

Another fine sunny day, so Sunday or not, we're making the most of it. You may remember that last year we grew two fields of Tritcale, undersown with grass. We got the Triticale in September (see Blog post for 2nd September) and the grass was left to grow on. Trouble was the Tritacle stalks were still there - if you drive along the Old Hutton road you can't fail to see them. I think we hoped they might rot away. Or that the wintering sheep might nibble them (they had too much sense - ate the grass instead). So today we're doing something about it - James has the flail mower and is "topping off". Hopefully once cut down, they'll break up and rot away.

Meanwhile - I'm trying to prove "you're never too old to learn". We've had a piano for over 40 years and I can't really play it. I can read music to a certain extent (recorder and trumpet at school), and I can pick out a tune with my right hand. I can even do the left hand (on it's own). But doing both at once is a bit of a challenge. So I've temporarily swapped one keyboard for another to write this post.

And finally - if you see a large bird swooping over Strickley today, it's the Harris Hawk back again (see posts in November)

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