Current Weather at Strickley

Monday, 24 August 2009

Quiet Time

Sometimes there's a long gap between Blogs because I'm too busy to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and sometimes it's because there's not much happening. It's not that we're sitting around twiddling our thumbs and doing nothing (fat chance of that); but that we're just doing the usual stuff.

After missing Cartmel Show so we could start silaging, we finished on the Saturday. On the Sunday James and family loaded up their and roof box to bursting point and set off on their holiday. After a day at Thomas Land (highly recommended for young boys) they set up camp in Norfolk. No luxury caravan for them, but genuine canvas.

We still have some grass to get in, plus oats which were undersown with grass. So as ever we're weather watching. The first half of September looks to be a busy month, with our almost-local show at Grayrigg, Westmorland Show and The Dairy Event. All fitted round the normal farm work. Watch this space for more news.

And finally, to show that the sun does sometimes shine in Cumbria, here's a photo taken at a wedding we went to on Saturday - a wonderful sunny day sandwiched between two wet ones.

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