Current Weather at Strickley

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Penrith Show

After a misty murky journey over Shap the day opened out into hot sunshine. Last year Penrith was one of many show that had to cancel because of the bad weather. But everyone returned this year, with 9 Shorthorn exhibitors and well presented cattle in all classes. The North of England Calf Show is also held at Penrith Show, so most people brought one or two calves. Some of these were entered just in the Calf Show classes, but some were also in the first "main" class of Maiden Heifers. We were very pleased that Strickley Athena 3 was placed 1st out of 19.

Other successes were -

Heifer in Milk - 1st Strickley Goldie 175 and 4th Strickley Goldie 173

Cow in Milk - 3rd Strickley Dairymaid 2

Group of 3 - 2nd

Reserve Champion Dairy Shorthorn - Strickley Goldie 175

Calf Show
Young calf - Strickley Annabella 140
Intermediate calf - Strickley Athena 3
Champion Calf - Strickley Athena 3

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