Current Weather at Strickley

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Shh . . .don't spread the word

I'm not sure if I should be advertising this, as I've no idea what it will be like, but listen to Radio Cumbria on Easter Monday (9 - 10 I think) and hear us (among others) talking about the weather. After our baptism of fire with Border TV * a couple of years ago (now I know what a rabbit caught in the headlights looks like) I thought Radio could never be as bad, so agreed to a "pre-recorded interview" today. Someone once said "the pictures are better on radio" so you won't see my twitching eyes (or holes in my jumper), but you should still be able to "see" the kitchen at Strickley as you hear the clock ticking (it's more of a star than us!), and imagine walking down the Foddergan to the Ten Shippon with Henry to look at the calves.

Radio Cumbria is not yet digital, but can be heard on FM, or via the Internet. As far as I can see it won't be featured as "listen again" - so no lying in bed - get up and switch on the radio!

* PS - it's only me who will never be a TV star - some members of the family took to it like a duck to water.

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