Current Weather at Strickley

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Repairs and Renewals

Nothing lasts for ever. Everything comes to the end of its natural life and becomes a candidate for repair or renewal. And sometimes we just replace things because we fancy something better (or just different).

Recently we have replaced a mish-mash of metal gates on the roadside with made to measure wooden ones. We have replaced a motor in the feed bin auger, and solenoids in the parlour feeders. We have bought, but yet set up, new gateposts for a widened gateway at the top of the yard. We have bought a new slurry tanker (see post of 26th November), and then fixed up the old one (we're now a 2 slurry tanker family). We are in the process of making (from a variety of miscellaneous bits and pieces) a Volume Washer, and a handling pen on The Lots.

I'm sure there's loads more I've missed as it's an ever growing list. But the most important Renewal will happen in April. As I said, nothing lasts for ever, not even bone and cartilage. Henry is now on the list for a new hip. So later in the year watch out for him running after cows with renewed vigour.

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