Current Weather at Strickley

Friday, 7 December 2007

An Interestng Astronomical Fact

Now we all know that the shortest day is 21st December don't we. So I have always assumed that on that day the sun rose later than on any other day and set earlier than on any other day.


It is true that there are less daylight hours on 21st December than on any other day - but the day that sun rises latest is TODAY!

There are lots of websites that explain this - some in too much detail for the common man (or woman in this case) - but if you click on This One * * the chart at the beginning explains the phenomena of Analemma simply. (Note - the times are not GMT but the principle's the same).

* * sorry * * that site seems to have disappeared into the ether

PS - what else do we know about 21st December?

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