Current Weather at Strickley

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Another 15 minutes of fame. .

or however long it takes you to read it.

Recently we were featured in "Dairy Update" - a supplement to Farmers Weekly. The article doesn't cover everything that James said, but it does reflect how we manage our stock.
PS if you click on the image it should open up to full size - so you can read the article as well as admire the young farmer!

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

I can hear the grass grow. .

At this time of year farmers do a lot of "over the hedge" farming - checking that no else's grass is growing as fast as ours. And this year I agree, despite being in our 10th month of Organic Conversion it's looking very good. The weather has been very kind this week and we're well on with spring work. The fields are nicely striped where the roller's been.

And just in case you thought today's title was a reference to the Sixties song, click on this link to hear and see The Move in glorious black and white.

Pour décourager les autres

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Hello again - and apologies for the bitty nature of these posts.

It's new

It's a novelty.

And I'm not absolutely sure what I'm doing!

Today has been another glorious spring day, with the temperature up to 23 degrees - which if you visit the Live Weather page on our webiste, you probably already know.

Now the clocks have changed and it's still light after milking, Henry is making the most of the good weather and doing a few more extra jos before supper. He's away checking the mole traps so far - 52 I think at the last count!

Last night I took a few (well more than a few) photographs of the low sun shining through the trees onto the beck, and if this works out, there's an example at the top of the page.
Hello . . .

. . and welcome to the new addition to the Strickley website.

This is not meant to replace the "News" section, but we can use it to quickly add the latest news from farm and family, from any PC in the world.

I hope to let you know what we're up to, and to persuade other members of the family to take a turn. Entries will not be regular (as we lead irregular lives), and will be slotted in round non-virtual activities.

If you've stumbled on this by accident - please look at our main site

More another day.